Sunday, November 15, 2009

Fundraiser Update

Woohoo!! The fundraiser was a pretty big success! We went over our goal in raising money to buy phone cards for soldiers overseas (so they can contact their family and friends) as well as writing some holiday cards for them. A small portion of what I raised at my booth is also going to PACT Humane Society to help pay for everyday needs for rescued cats.

I'm almost out of merchandise lol. I'm very happy that it went well but that also means I don't have much stuff left over to use in my next craft show event. Uh oh... time to get crafting again! (But I really need to work on my portfolio for school too urgggghh)

At the craft fair I snagged a pumpkin pie (shared it with a friend, I'd never be able to finish a whole pie), a necklace, and holiday earrings made by my partners at Noraneko Alley on etsy.

Thank you to those who were able to make it to the fundrasier!! :)

ゴールの金額を超える寄付金を集めることが出来ました。 この寄付金は海外にいる兵隊が家族や友達と会話が出来るようにテレフォンカードに変えてから送られます。 

私のブースの売り上げの一部はPACT Humane Society で捨て猫、野良猫、そして飼い主に虐待された猫などの保護、世話などに使われます。

イベントが成功したのはとても嬉しいけど次のイベントの分の商品がもうほとんど残ってない! ちょっと焦ってます。。。(ってゆーか先に勉強をしないと)



  1. Oh wow, your stall looks impressive! ^^
    Glad to hear it went well and you got some gorgeous bling too<33

  2. Thank you~! My friend's stuff is on the same table too, my stuff on it's own isn't that impressive lol.
