Thursday, May 27, 2010

chouchou mishap?


Remember when I said I will make some chouchou's with a cute pink yarn I had left over from a different project? Apparently it didn't go as well as I planned. I guess I need some thinner yarn, this was way too thick and the scrunchie is hard to tie... So I decided to put the yarn to better use.

Ta-da! A little(?) flower coin purse/mini make-up bag! It's a tad bigger than expected but it still works pretty well. Considering I made-up the pattern as I went I like it a lot. I think I'll try it out in different yarns too.

Here's a side-view showing the zipper and pouch behind the flower. :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

new layout!

My old layout seemed too stuffy for the summer so I decided to refresh with a more airy layout. The photo is of a small magnolia tree that is planted right outside my dorm. :) The whole campus is covered with magnolia and dogwood trees, they are very pretty in the spring!

My old layout may make a come-back in the winter. It gave me a nice cozy feeling~♥ but for now I'll keep it simple.


さすがに暑過ぎて編み物もちょっと諦め。毛糸を 手に持ってるだけで暑い!

イラストのリクエスト待ちの皆さんごめんなさい! お仕事はしばらくお休みと言うことで。。。

It's hot.

Too hot. TT___TT;; The temperature is fluctuating too much for me to handle.

It has been very cool, even cold at times for my first week back from college, and suddenly its 87 °F. I should have been ok with this since it's not strange for it to be this hot, but I think my body has gotten too used to the past week's chilliness. Thanks to that my laptop keeps over-heating and I haven't been very productive. I'm trying to work on commissions and such, I promise!

Is it just me but does it feel discouraging to some to knit in the summer heat? Just holding the yarn in my hands feels scorching to me.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


I've safely moved back from my dorm to my house! I'm surprised that there is such a drastic change in temperature, even though it's only a 3 hour drive, it's mostly a straight drive north from my college to my house. It's so much cooler and less humid near my house, I'm so happy!

Being near my pets is so different too, I really missed my little fuzz-balls! 5 cats and a tiny little dog running around my house... I guess one thing that I didn't miss was the fur all over the place. I've been vacuuming like crazy since I got back. >XD

So my summer is not very summery, it's cool and breezy and I have all the windows open while I clean. My first day of break seems to be a lot of housework lol.

I hope everyone enjoys their summer! :)

Friday, May 14, 2010

Done with School!!!

:EDIT: sorry about all the edits guys, but I've been having some issues with the formatting. Argh! I hope you don't mind. ):

Ahhhh! Finally done with exams and school. Summer break, here I come! I plan to do a lot of art and crafts during break and update my etsy store more often. To kick it off, here's some doodles I did while I was trying to
de-stress from final exams:

Talking with some of my friends has brought up some really nostalgic things, like what TV show we watched as a kid. Out of the list someone mentioned Gensomaden Saiyuki and I squealed like the silly fangirl I am from remembering a pretty significant part of my childhood. After that we commenced sharing who was our favorite of the four protagonists (mine being Gojyo, he will always have a special place in my heart lol) and the fact that I apparently resemble Hakkai the most when it comes to my personality according to my friends. (vicious with a sweet smile! D8< ) The idea stuck with me and I sketched Hakkai on Tegaki-E first, then I couldn't leave the other 3 behind. I still have to clean up Hakkai's version though, since his drawing was a sketch and I took more time on the others.

I've found Tegaki-E to be a really good place to jot down ideas for future drawings and such. I think I'll be there more often now that I have the time... but I really need to make some more substantial things! I have a lot of leftover yarn from previous projects, and I'm thinking I'll make some scrunchies with them. Lacy and fluffy chouc
hou's (that's what they are referred to in Japan. Personally I think that's a much nicer name than "scrunchies") are popular in Japanese girl's fashion lately. Here's some that I found on Yahoo shopping that were just adorable!

I think my leftover cotton-candy-pink brushed yarn will make a nice one. :) I can't wait to start!

Sunday, May 9, 2010


I have 3 final exams and the semester is over! While taking a little break from studying I started working on my unfinished drawing (also shown in my last update) on Tegaki again. I still have a little more until it's finished but I really should get back to studying. I guess I'll let it sit for a bit longer before it finally becomes a finished drawing. :)