Tuesday, December 15, 2009

only one more final and I'm done with school for the semester!!! woohoo!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Another Craft Show

今日のクラフトショーは無事終了!! いろんな友達とクラフトが集まりました。
私と母以外にクラフト仲間が3人。 ビーズ、ペットグッズ、手ずくりスイーツ、クリスマスのオーナメント、布小物などのいろんな物がいっぱい! 私はジュエリーと編物。。。でもほとんどこの前のイベントの残り物。。。トホホ
ついでに皆でちょっとお茶会気分。 楽しかったです。


The craft show today is finally over and everything is cleaned up! This time it was a personal event done with a bunch of friends. Most of the crafts today were by my friends and my mom. I just stuck in the leftovers from the volunteer event in the corner of the room and worked as a cashier lol. We had Christmas ornaments, cellphone straps, pet goods, cookies, organizing containers, accessories etc. Lots of people and lots of stuff!

Since most of my stuff was either already uploaded here, I'll show some of my mom's stuff. I'd love to show photos of the craft show itself but I respect my friends who may not want their stuff up on the internet.
小さな指輪方の針山。 意外と便利、特に私の家は針山で遊ぶのが大好きな猫を守るのにピッタリ。
Here's a mini pin cushion ring. It comes pretty handy at my house to keep needles away from my cat that loves to play with sewing supplies.

Just some simple coasters.  Some of them are Christmas themed and others are simple flower patterns.