Thursday, October 29, 2009


Some co-workers of mine came over today and we took a few photos. I gave them a blue Totoro keychain that I made with felt. I don't think I would be allowed to sell those at the craft fair anyways lol.

I gave her a hat I knit for her birthday. :)
バイト仲間の誕生日にハンドメイドのニット帽をあげました。 気に入ってくれたかな〜? 同じデザインの帽子をこんどクラフトフェアーに持って行くつもりです。

Sunday, October 25, 2009

fuzzy and red

A new scarf! It looks very full but is actually lacy if you look at it up close. But I still want a fuzzier look... I'll have to experiment more lol. That's me in the photo by the way. I'm terrible at taking photos of myself. I can't wait till I can grab some friends to model for me instead.

やっと新しいマフラーが出来ました! 動物好きな私にとっては本物のファーはあまり好きではありません... 写真のジャンパーも、もちろんフェイク。 代わりにちょっとファーっぽいニットを研究中です! う~ん...まだフワフワが足りない!!! (ファーとゆうより毛虫っぽいかも)

あ"~...やっぱり自分の写真を取るのは苦手です。 今度、友達に無理やりモデルをやってもらうつもりです!笑

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I made a simple new necklace with a sterling silver feather charm and white, pale blue, and dark blue glass beads. I love things that are simple and casual, they seem to be good for any outfit for regular wear.

また新しいネックレスを作りました。 カジュアルでシンプルなアクセはいろんなコーデで使い回しが出るので好きです。 今度は三色のガラスビーズとシルバーの羽! 次は何をつくろうかな~。。。

Monday, October 19, 2009

felt sweets!

I'll be updating with felt items today! Here's just a few little things I whipped up.
今日はフェルトのクラフトを紹介しま~す! 簡単で短い時間にできるので皆さんも試してみてはどうですか?

A pink donut cellphone strap! It's hard to tell in the photo but the bead sprinkles are red and gold colored.

A simple strawberry mousse cake magnet. The sheet magnet used on the back is stronger than I expected! I threw it at my refrigerator and it stuck to the door pretty well. It didn't fall off either. I think this magnet brand is a keeper lol.
イチゴのケーキのマグネットです。 表はフェルト、裏はマグネットのシールを貼っただけ。
でもそのわりにはけっこう強いマグネットです。 遠くから冷蔵庫に投げつけてみたらちゃんとくっつきました(笑)Here's a blueberry mousse version of the cake magnet. :)

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I've put up a tool on the side of the blog for those who are interested in going to the craft show. There's a map and details on the time and date. You can also share this blog on twitter and facebook (which will be a big help to us! lol)

Hope to see some new faces there! ^^

11月に私が参加するクラフトフェアーの説明と地図をサイトの左側に乗せておきました。 興味がある方はぜひ見に来てください! あと Facebook と Twitter のアプリケーションをつけてみました! 

このクラフトフェアーは私の友達が行ってる協会の敷地をかりてやるもので、商売ではなくボランティアのためです。 お金は子供のための協会のイベントや他のボランティア団体に寄付されます。 私のブースからの利益はいつも私がボランティアで通っている PACT Humane Society とゆう動物保護団体に寄付する約束です。

去年も参加したのですがバイトの予定でブースは友達に任せてしまった私。 今年ははじめてこのクラフトフェアーにちゃんと出ます! いろんな人に会うのを楽しみにしてます!!


Friday, October 16, 2009


So, I've changed the title of this blog to fit it better with my etsy site called Noraneko Alley, which basically sums up the relationship of me and my friends who co-own the shop lol. Noraneko means alley cat in Japanese (my primary language), and we are really like alley cats. We all go at a different pace and like different things... but we sometimes hang out in the same "alley" and just chill. Sometimes we're friendly to each other and sometimes we're not, just like cats.

Anyways, lets get to the main subject of today's post: earrings! I love wearing earrings as well as making them. They are very simple and easy projects that are very forgiving when you want to be experimental. Here's just a few I've made recently for the upcoming craft show. I won't be selling these on etsy because I really need to save enough individual pieces of merchandise for that weekend and I've been slacking on crafting because of midterms. These are little cheap earrings for everyday wear, maybe $2 or $3 each?

ガラス、貝殻とワイヤーで作ったシンプルなイアリングでーす。 ちょっとシンプルすぎたかな...?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Still Alive!

ACK! I've seriously been neglecting this place too much lately. Now that midterms are over, I want to start showcasing a bit of stuff for an upcoming craft show for my friend's church fundraiser.

I'll hopefully have lots of pictures soon! I'm making necklaces, bracelets, earrings, scarves, hats and whatever else I can think of. I'd love suggestions if anyone has some. :)